Board of Directors
BOard of directors Executive Committee
Michael Quinn, President, Indianapolis
Melanie Wissel, Vice President, Indianapolis
Greg Pemberton, Treasurer, Indianapolis
Janet Holcomb, Secretary, Indianapolis
Donna Hovey, Immediate Past President
Board of directors
Kris Bowen
Karen Butler
Dr. Gregory Chernoff
Ellen Crabb
Tamiko Crayton
Dr. Chad Davis
Cheri Dick
Jeremy Efroymson
Brandon Emkes
Otto Frenzel, IV
Janet Holcomb
Donna Hovey
Rebecca Kubacki
John Lechleiter
Susanne McAlister
Jim Morris
Kent Parker
Greg Pemberton
Mark Perlstein
Michael Quinn
Dr. George Rapp
Dr. John Rapp
Jim Shook
Libby Somerville
Cathy Springer Brown
Amb. Randall Tobias
Jeff Veldhof
Melanie Wissel
C. Daniel Yates
Richard A. Young